Faith,  Lifestyle

Lord, You Have Been Scammed!

See your people, Lord. Just look at us! Who exactly is your problem? We or them?

Lord, can’t you see that you’ve been scammed? The gun you picked up to shoot has no bullet. How can it have when the pastor is asking his members to donate to missions while he uses the money to fund his international account?

Look at the gun in your hand, Lord. It has no nozzle! What will you use to target and kill? The prayer leader’s soap no longer lasts these days because he gulps down hot coals of pornography in the bathroom.

Lord, can’t you see that the sword you bought is bent? The minister that is attacking sin online is the same one asking for a kiss under a tree at midnight!

Your swords are rusted, Lord. Your arrows are broken. The one that should save others from the transgender craze is nursing Lesbian sentiments and sensations in secret.

The convener of the sexual purity program is asking his new convert what type of pants she likes to wear for optimum comfort.

The parents are asking their own seeds why they are behaving like children as they rub their laps.

And we’re all in Church! What will you do with us? What kind of ministers are these? Where do you look when you feel like smiling?

We have dragged your name in the mud, Lord. The world is pointing at us as they laugh themselves into a stupor! Look at us, Lord! See your people! When will you help us?

You will help us oo!

Hi, I'm Chioma Jeremiah. I'm passionate about helping my community see the beautiful light that each day brings. My goal is to inspire you with everything that will make each read the best for you.

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