I Saw God Through ‘Useless’ Archaelogy
I was wowed as I watched episodes on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, on the Canaanites high places where the remains of sacrificed children have been unearthed in different horrific states (some even sawn in half). Remember the worshippers of Molech in the Old Testament that God warned the Israelites to not even think about copying their practices? Exactly!
I was at a traditional marriage ceremony for one of our MZI girls last year when it came to the point where we were to escort our iyawo to be officially presented to both her parents and in-laws. Shout-out to Iyawo Itunu Mary. We were close to the parents when the DJ started playing some, “You Must Chop My Money” for us. Immediately, the madam iyawo who was already sweating from all the different body contortions a human can mould into during moments of ecstasy stood upright. Under her breath, she said to her ladies-in-waiting (that’s us), “Don’t dance. That’s not a Christian song.” Oh, wow! Was I impressed! The…
To the ‘Ashawo’ Writer(s)
One of the battles you will need to win this year is the battle over excitement. That one that comes when a new inspiration hits you smack in the face; that feeling akin to hot bubbles swimming in your gut and joy in your heart. Hey, dearie, you're pregnant again!
An Eavesdropper at God’s Door
I was heading home from work some minutes ago when I came across a live interview session in God’s office. The lady’s voice held such a strange high tilt to it that I was compelled to cautiously lean on the door as I tied my heels together. Reporter: I actually mean, your most exciting thing to do? Like the top of your list. God: Yes, I understood your question- to show mercy. Reporter: Okay, okay. Then what do you do to relax, and take the edge off the day’s work? God: I select persons to show mercy. Reporter: (Eyes flashing) So if we asked you to choose an event to…
The Unheard Tale of Kute Town
When the number of refugees doubled the next week and tripled by the fourth, the people gathered for an emergency meeting. "Let's run away!"
What About God?
I’ve noticed something quite unfortunate. When a person is very skilled, people around recommend them to the best schools or best opportunities. “You draw so well, go to that Art School.” “I loved your spaghetti, have you tried so-so Catering school?” Even schools and employment agencies have strategies to sieve out the mediocre. Friends and family advise, “You should travel abroad.” Mentors comment, “I’ll sponsor you to Austria.” How come no one says, “You dance so well, how about dancing for God?” If you make the mistake of deciding to dedicate that skill or gift to God, let’s say as a missionary doctor, for instance, your surname instantly changes to…
We Listen and We Judge Unapologetically
Introducing, sweet Sharon who celebrated her twentieth birthday four months ago. She and Kelvin, her coursemate finally decided to jump off the virgin train. What better option but to become partners in the forthcoming pleasurable experiments? Mike is quite the opposite. Twenty-five and still too shy and cautious to pick up girls like his colleagues do, he plays it safe with his hands in his bathroom every morning. Mr. Kolawole can only find sexual pleasure when he sleeps with children below eight years, their gender notwithstanding. “There’s just something about their innocence that heats the nerves in my body at the same time,” he says. Chetachukwu’s sexual appetite is only…
The Midnight Concert Millions Are Rehearsing For
God warned and cautioned, but Pharaoh would not budge. At midnight, when the Angel of Death did pass, great wailing as never before heard pierced the cold night air. That was a midnight concert.
The OceanGate Misfortune Does Not Deserve Your Cynicism
When I first read about the unfortunate OceanGate submersible incident yesterday, my first thought was, "These white people sef, they know how to look for trouble that's on its own. What concern these people with the Titanic that sunk over a century ago?" I had a rethink almost immediately. I asked myself why I was chewing that kind of rotten meat. There was no reason to fault the producers for "wasting money producing the submersible worth millions. For what?!" or fault "the millionaires looking for where to waste their money." I was engaging in the thought pattern of a mediocre human. I realized that I was speaking from a "poverty-stricken"…
There are many reasons people decide to marry like; training an heir, getting a free-for-life business manager or financial deal, needing a housekeeper or a beautiful arm decoration to go with his status, getting his mother off his neck, desire to join the married clique, his environment dictates so… and lot more than these. The Bible already expelled your headache by explaining who to choose. If he does not need a helper, please, bless his journey as he continues his search.