• Faith,  Lifestyle

    This Matter is Not Your Concern

    That was how they were looking for who to throw Shadrach and his friends into the fire and these trained agents with 30 years of experience in Christian Oppression and Stumbling Strategies carried their big chests out. The next thing we saw, they were gone in the flames. Overdead...

  • Faith,  Lifestyle

    Checkpoints Wahala

    You must have seen them before- those mad officers on the roads everyone seems to hate so much. Those persons make you wonder if they have no better job than delaying your important journey for a measly #100 naira. Talk about shamelessness..

  • Faith

    All Christians Ought To Be Avengers!

    I’m pretty sure you’ve seen Marvel’s superhero movie, The Avengers, the one with all the cute super heroes, explosive personalities and awesome powers. You may have been rooting for them through the sequels down to Avengers: End Game because I was too. I wanted to go mad when in Infinity Wars, Thor struck Thano’s chest (he’s the villain) instead of his arm giving him the chance to eliminate half of Earth’s population including Black Panther! That was the saddest part for me actually, that Panther had to go and was not seen again until Avengers; End Game’s concluding fight. If you’ve seen it, then I’m sure you have a favourite…

  • Faith

    God Can Use Anything, Ask His Locust Army

    Here’s how I imagine what went down the time God sent locusts to destroy the Egyptians crops to prove his sovereignty over Pharaoh. Let me leave you to hear it from the horse’s mouth, sorry, I mean locust’s mouth; Papa told me that morning that I would get to see our distant relatives soon because the entire locusts of Africa had been summoned and our camp had been chosen to be the meeting place. It had never been heard before that so many swarms would be in one place! Even grandpa said same.  You could hear the buzzy activity in our community as swarms upon swarms of locusts arrived. When…