A Memorial Stone
Today, I remember those moments at different junctions when I had to make quick decisions that scared the hell out of me. I remember the thinking and fear deep into the night. I remember the tears too. But somehow I made the right one. I said somehow but I mean the Hand of the Lord. He has been guiding me safely along this way. I won’t be afraid anymore, Lord. I don relax for this back seat wey you prepare for me. Sha dey carry me go where I no know. This is me raising another memorial stone on this blue app. This is me officially documenting here that Abba,…
Have You Met a Programming Guru Today?
I did not see only heads. I saw God's hands. Each of the bubbly youth looked different from the next person standing close to them. They had all come from diverse locations and none together. Still, they met at that particular point: 10:40 am; Sunday 30th April 2023; Mount Zion Institute's Chapel, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria.
God’s Grace And Law Explained
If you’re reading this, it means you desire to have an understanding of grace and law, two concepts that appear in regular arguments concerning the Christian faith these days. I advice you to clear your mind and not be in haste so that you can get the full experience. I’ll be taking this in stages for better understanding. Please note that you can click on any bible verse and it’ll reveal the verse it contains. First this question; is it possible for any country to govern its people without laws? Let’s dive in. A brief illustration Imagine that the Chinese government after years of strategizing finally becomes the World power…