• Creative writing,  Faith

    The Celestials’ First Theatrical Experience: Watching God’s Script Come Alive

    Once upon a time, an announcement was made to every corner of the Galaxy and every ear that heard it tingled and mouths fell open. The old rumour was confirmed! Soon an innumerable or definable ensemble was at the Sovereign Theatre, built exactly for this purpose. Tonight was the opening night for the drama that had been the announcement earlier that day. The stage light was already set. It was focused on Earth. God's son was nowhere in sight. Even as their eyes confirmed his absence, some still did not believe. It was that incredible. Then, indeed he was the star of the film? Beings sat, whispers started

  • Faith,  Lifestyle

    I Spent Four Years Asking God to Speak to Me

    Two years later, fear began to set in my heart. I'd been professing Christ for years now and had "nothing" to show for it. What would I have to show the world when I left the covering of "school?" Save me, Lord. Every prayer was a desperate cry to God to speak to me too. It looked like my friends were getting stronger too. They all would have something to say about "what God said...". I became worse...

  • Faith,  Lifestyle

    Why I Refuse to Walk in Darkness.

    I mean, how will I know not to go into a business because it'll collapse in 2 months? How can man tap into the eyes of God? How will I know not to allow my son to go to school that day even though he's crying that it's his best friend's birthday simply because, my spirit "does not sit well" with the idea? Only to turn on the News some hours later to hear of the bomb blast at ABC school, 3hours ago? How can I wake up from a dream

  • Faith

    Be Careful Not to Eat Scorpions

    My neighbour was just rushed to the hospital. The boy ate a scorpion thinking it was meat. I mean I can't blame him, since he's only a child plus it was dark. Please help me pray for his quick recovery. And as you mention him in your prayers, please pray for yourself too or your friends that none of you will eat scorpions in place of meat too. But I'm afraid for you.