I Joined ‘The Honourable League of Mad Men’
This whole thing is more personal to me than I can explain. It is a ladder in my faith. For a long time, I have received the invitation to step into a deeper Christianity, "Join my Honourable League of Madmen," Abba says...
I Have Received My Second Heartbreak from Nigeria.
As I watched Bola-Ahmed Tinubu of the APC party give his acceptance speech for the seat of Nigeria's President, I was not exactly sure how to feel, truth be told. But I was sure that if I tried to say a word immediately, my voice may break so I swallowed lots of saliva before commenting on the matter with my family. We had all voted for a different man but the corrupt electoral process took our say as thrash.
Sincerely, to the Kingmaker
The King of Kings, And Kingmaker Himself, Great and Dreadful God, He that Dwells amid the Cherubims, Ruler of the Affairs of Men.
Stuck in a Suffocating World
A messed up country that's what I'm living in. This country can be suffocating at times. There's not even an encouraging sector to offer succour from the dying rest. A friend while laughing maniacally, used to say, "I wonder if God was assigning the Netherlands as my birthplace before accidentally writing Nigeria..."