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Why I Refuse to Walk in Darkness.

As I thought on some things this evening, it came to my heart as worth sharing so here I am.

I never get tired of praying this one. I can “finish” praying and spend extra time just chanting, “Light be!”, “I can see, I can hear God!, “I refuse to walk in darkness” etc.

That’s how much I hate darkness or even the thought of it.

I mean, how will I know not to go into a business because it’ll collapse in 2 months?

How can man tap into the eyes of God?

How will I know not to allow my son to go to school that day even though he’s crying that it’s his best friend’s birthday simply because, my spirit “does not sit well” with the idea? Only to turn on the News some hours later to hear of the bomb blast at ABC school, 3hours ago?

How can I wake up from a dream and cancel food for the day because I “perceive” unrest in the air?

How do I know not to rent a house because the spiritual name of that land or area is “famine” even though the house is big, beautiful and my friends call it a “divine provision?”

Can I meet someone, invite them into my home unbeknownst to me that they’re killers, kidnappers, rapists or whatnot? God forbid.

How can a man run with a “conviction” for 23 years only to realise later that it was a lie? Ha! 23years o.

What if I unknowingly publish deceptions or specks of it on my blog and people read them, follow them and their blood rests on my head?

These are just a few of what I think about sometimes that pushes me to cry that the eyes of my understanding be enlightened (Ephesians 1:8)

I have experienced a form of darkness so I know what I’m talking about. It’s a bad experience!

Darkness is horrible.

It’s depressing.

It’s sad.

Even now, I feel the need to share that particular experience so I’ll do so this week.

What if I become a blind man leading the blind? (Mathew 15:14)

How can a man know not and neither understand, why do they keep walking in darkness though they’re Kings…?(Psalm 82:5)

What can make Princes walk on foot and slaves ride on horses? (Ecclesiastes 10:7)

“What if I keep learning but never come into the knowledge of the truth?” God punish devil o! (2Timothy 3:10)

“What if the light you have is really darkness, what a great darkness indeed…” (Mathew 6:23)

These are only a glimpse of the disadvantages of darkness.

Please, pause to place your hand on your head and decree, “I receive sense!”

Say again, “I receive Light”.

A word to the singles reading this; Your courtship is not the time for only eating Ice cream and chicken. Try to be sensible o.

It’s the time to hold hands and lay the foundation for your future family. Erect an altar of light. Don’t use cheap materials either.

Give a bountiful sacrifice. Even if you don’t have money for the wedding ceremony, find the money and time for this one.

Learn now how to give to God. Write down God’s instructions and how you’ll be servicing this altar in future. Light can represent many things but it’s simply the nature of God.

No matter who you are; a teacher, minister, housewife, entrepreneur, network marketing, content creator, architect, trainer, graphics designer, banker, athlete, whatever, you need light.

This is the time to get up and delve into God. Light is understanding. Light is Jesus. Light is God’s Word. The more you read, the clearer life becomes to you.

Keep walking into God until he rubs off on you. Clean out your ears and eyes too…

This world will only get darker. How far can you go without the Light of God?

Thank you for reading.

I love hearing from you, please drop your comments below💓.

God’s Grace.

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