• Creative writing,  Faith

    The Silliest Story I’ve Heard in a Long Time

    Have you heard of Adam Leprascon before? In the 1960s, he was well known for his mileage in the world of AI especially at a time when only little was known about it. His program was placed in a white beautiful looking metallic horse. It had a nice bleat to it and okay running speed...for a robot. Seven months after this awesome invention, Leprascon took it home to be an official member of his family. Not long after, the family was to go on their annual vacation to his hometown in Switzerland. Unknown to them, their first boy who had been having a last-minute ride on the horse, forgot to…

  • Faith,  Lifestyle

    Did I hear You Ask If He’s ‘The One’?

    One sunny day during my service year, this young man walked up to me at the parade ground, called me his sister and swore he was ready to marry me. He'd called himself my brother cause we were one of the few Igbo's present on that camp. Then he swore he was ready to pay my dowry soonest because he had loved me from the moment he saw me, and apparently done the calculations leading to the conclusion that I would make the best bride. The poor guy. He must have done a lot of research and seen how girls swallow the "marriage/dowry" hook. Too bad. This was the same…

  • Faith,  Lifestyle

    I Spent Four Years Asking God to Speak to Me

    Two years later, fear began to set in my heart. I'd been professing Christ for years now and had "nothing" to show for it. What would I have to show the world when I left the covering of "school?" Save me, Lord. Every prayer was a desperate cry to God to speak to me too. It looked like my friends were getting stronger too. They all would have something to say about "what God said...". I became worse...